Friday – 30 September 2011
It’s my first 9/80 Friday off since the girls were born. They were nice enough to let me sleep until 9:30 this morning. I thought it was pretty generous of them. They even slept pretty well through the night, clocking about 2.5 to 3 hours between feedings.

And they are pretty damned cute… and getting more so by the day.

Today, we had Family Adventure Time (which pretty much translates to: “We got out of the house for a little bit”). We stopped to return lj user=”melodywise” ‘s baking dish, hit RubySnap (COOKIES!!!) and The Train Shoppe, as well as Dr. Volt’s Comic Connection and the Chow Truck. The girls were sacked out in their car seats for most of the outing. But, for SaraRules! and me, it was nice to be out for a while.

Stray Toasters
