Monday – 23 June 2014
I was a fairly faithful fan of Quantum Leap back in the day. I’ll still kick back and watch an episode or two, should I see it in the cable guide.

I was also a fan of Doctor Who in the ’80s. You know, before it  really became “okay” to like it… some twenty years later. I grew up with Tom Baker’s Doctor and stopped watching (mainly because NC Public Television decided to play fast and loose with its schedule) around the Peter Davison era. Oh, and because of computers and video games, but that’s a tangent for another time. I got back into Doctor Who a couple of years ago, during Matt Smith’s tenure. Since then, I’ve gone back and watched all of the episodes from Malekith Christopher Eccleston’s debut through the introduction of Peter Capaldi. “Kidneys!”

With that said, I just had a question pop into my head: Could The Doctor have saved Dr. Sam Beckett?

The last episode of Quantum Leap ended with the statement: “Dr. Sam Beckett never returned home.” It’s pretty obvious that Sam is/was not a “fixed point in time…” or could it be argued that his first leap is/was a fixed point?
