Wednesday (Coda)
Work was somewhat slow this morning.  Pretty laid back, in fact.  Around lunchtime, however, it decided to ramp up the pace.  This wasn’t a bad thing, though.  It was nice to have something to keep me moving.  Although… it did keep me from another project that I had intended to work on today.  So, that gets pushed back until tomorning.

called me and invited me to dinner.  Z Mandarin Buffet.  I can see why she and like it.  Otherwise, the evening has been fairly quiet.  I spent a portion of it helping to edit a friend’s (long overdue) paper.

Stray Toasters

  • My thumbnail – smashed in a car door back in August – has almost completely regrown.  Thank God.  There’s still a pretty major depression/dent in the middle of the nail, but it seems to be moving towards the nail edge; I think that I will “outgrow” it, so to speak.  At the rate it’s going, the last bits of the old/dead nail should be gone within a week.
  • sent me a link to this shirt on T-Shirt Hell.  It made me laugh aloud.
  • Sib1 and .
  • I just had part of the theme from For Your Eyes Only run through my head.  I can live with that.  I had Time of the Season running through there this afternoon; I caught myself whistling it at least three times.
  • Parents’ Choice Toy-Buying Mistakes
  • I first heard of Benny Hinn (1, 2) many years ago, by way of an aunt or one of my grandmothers… I think.  I haven’t found too many people out here who know who is.  But, those who do know thought that this video was hysterical.  Thanks to for posting a link to it.
  • I showed the above video to a few coworkers.  That led to a comparative religion discussion… of sorts.  I discovered that one of the guys is not LDS, as I had thought; he’s Catholic.  So, I posed the question: “Why is it that you never see Pope Benedict and Emperor Palpatine in the same place at the same time?”  He didn’t have a good answer.  I explained my belief that they are the same person: Emperor Popetine.  He didn’t refute this.

    A few minutes later, John – another coworker – came over and told us a story about the late Howard W. Hunter, former President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.  The Mormons.   (If you grew up in the 70s, I’m willing to bet you just heard “The Mormons” in the same voice that was used in the commercials back in the day…)  It seems as though Mr. Hunter, in the midst of giving a speech, leaned back… continued to lean… and proceeded to fall straight back.  Flat.  Boom.  He was helped back to his feet where, after composing himself, he continued his talk as if nothing had happened.  (Did I mention that he was in his 70s – possibly 80s – when this happened?  No?  Well, he was.)   I – and the other guys – was impressed by this feat of fortitude.  I declared him “The Iron Prophet.”

    Then it dawned on me that there had been a missed opportunity.

    The world would never get to see one of the most awesome religious battle since David and Goliath… Samson against the Philistines…  Moses and the Red Sea versus Pharoah’s army.

    The Sith Pope versus The Iron Prophet.

    Cage match in Vegas.  (C’mon… two of the world’s top religious figures in Sin City.  It would have just been… fitting.)  Best two out of three falls.  No holds barred.  It would have been amazing.

  • : Given your affinity for fine watches, I think that you’ll appreciate this.
  • Lucy Lawless may be providing the voice for Wonder Woman in an upcoming Justice League DVD.
  • Diamond Select Toys and AFX present: Phoenix and Marvel Girl Mini-Busts

  • This is great… except that it runs counter to both the Freeman-Nimoy and the General Zod ’08 campaigns.
