Nine Hells.

We took some things from work to one of the local swap meets this morning. Early this morning. VERY early this morning. (So, yes , I was working when you messaged me this morning.) Some of the people and things that we saw there…. *jawdrop* It was more than a lesson in culture studies, it was an experience. Fortunately, it wasn’t too hot. Well, it wasn’t too hot to me; , on the other hand… She took on a little more sun than planned. I do, however, have a rather distinctive tan line.

Some of the highlights (or maybe “lowlights”):

  • Mullets galore.
  • Fashion don’ts. LOTs of them.
  • “Apex of Apathy”
  • in a hat.
  • Rewriting The Muppet Show theme as The Mullet Show

Getting up at 0630 (hereafter referred to as “Oh-dark-thirty”) was not fun. I wasn’t tired until I got home. I started nodding off around 5:30. I decided to take a nap. A thirty-to-forty-five minute nap. I woke up a couple of times, but didn’t get up until shortly before 7:30. Oy.

And now the weekend can begin.