Wednesday – 08 Oct 2008
Middle of the week and all’s well. In the words of the Dave Matthews’ Band, So Much to Say, so let’s get it started…

SaraRules came over after work last night. We ran a couple of errands, including picking up a barbecue chicken pizza from Papa Murphy’s and headed back to my place. We watched Senators Obama and McCain in the second presidential debate. Again, I’m not really sure that either candidate “won” the debate, but if I had to pick a winner, I’d have to go with…

Tom Brokaw.

That’s right: Tom Brokaw, the moderator. Why? He had the best lines – including a couple of snarky jabs at the candidates for not sticking to the agreed format.

After the debacle debate, we headed to the gym. Lo and behold, I still remember how to workout! Unglaublich! SaraRules did cardio; I headed to the machines and free weights:

  • Lat Pulldowns: 3 sets @ 100 lbs
  • Close-grip pulldowns: 3 sets @ 80 lbs
  • Reverse Flys: 3 sets, 1 set @ 60 lbs, 2 sets @ 50 lbs
  • Overhead tricep extensions (dumbbell): 3 sets @ 40 lbs
  • Side Bends: 3 sets, 25 lbs dumbbells
  • Tricep Extenstions (T-Bar): 3 sets, 80 lbs
  • Core: 2 sets, 45 seconds

I neglected to weigh myself pre- or post-workout. Oh, well.

We headed back to my place to catch David Letterman’s monologue and Top 10 List before she headed home. She made the comment that it seems like he’s got “…a personal vendetta” against Senator McCain and that it’s rather amusing to see what he’s going to say/do next. She’s right.

The Best: Rocket Man
I think that I first became aware of this song when it appeared on The Greatest American Hero, many moons ago. Since then, it’s been a favorite.

I apparently have four versions of it in iTunes:

  1. Elton John – the classic, original version
  2. Kate Bush – a synth and bass-rich version, from the “Two Rooms” tribute CD
  3. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes – a punk cover
  4. Jamie Cullum – a jazzy piano take on the song.

If I had to rate my favorites, it’d go in this order:

  1. Elton John
  2. Jamie Cullum
  3. Me First and the Gimme Gimmes
  4. Kate Bush

The rationale (as much as there is for it) is as follows: The Elton John version is, like I said classic. To me, it reminds me a bit of David Bowie’s Space Oddity, in that its protagonist simply seems… resigned to his fate and is trying to make the best of his situation. The Jamie Cullum version seems to put a different, more upbeat spin on it: Here’s a guy who has a secret (I’m not the man they think I am at home…), but is fine with it and he gets to see all kinds of things that no one else gets to see or do. He doesn’t come off as resigned, but kind of “Wow, too bad you guys can’t be here to check this out.” The Me First version is just… frenetic and fun and full of energy. And the Kate Bush version is… Kate Bush. *shrug*

Stray Toasters

And now, meeting time!
