Tuesday : 25 July 2006
Work was.  (And it wasn’t bad.)
Today’s workout was pretty good.  I’m feeling it a bit in my shoulders.
<sarcasm>I’m sure that it will feel great after a night’s sleep. </sarcasm>

Post-work, I took on the front and back jungles.  *gah*

Tonight was Shadowrun night.

Tonight, the group wrapped up the current story arc.  They got rid of a troublesome NPC.  They made a new – and rather.. um… “influential” – friend.  And they made lots of money. 

…and they lived to run the shadows another day.

Stray Toasters

Quotes of the Day
Tonight’s gems come from and Chris:

  • : “G.I. Joe was like sticking a fork in your brain…. and twirling it.”
  • I wish that I could recount their conversation about Transformers.  It was pure comedy.
  • Chris, explaining Visionaries to Nox:
    Chris:   Let’s say you have a cheetah on your armor.
    :  Why do I have a cheetah on my armor?
    Chris:   Because that’s what you turn into.  Because you’re fast.
    :  I don’t want to be a cheetah.
    Chris:   Tough shit.
