Thursday : 22 December 05
Today cruised along at a decent clip. There weren’t any major problems, which is good for a “No Bad News Thursday.” My lunchtime workout was good, too. And, to top the day off, when I walked out the door at the end of the workday, I started my six-day weekend.

I spent most of this evening wrapping presents. I think that the *ahem* highlight of wrapping was: I had gotten down to the last two gifts. Both of them were in the same sized box. I wrapped one and decided to wait until tomorrow morning/afternoon to wrap the last one. On a lark, I decided to verify the name on last box – good thing that I did: It was one that I needed to be ready first thing in the morning. *sigh* So, I wrapped the last one. I still need to hit two stores tomorrow and pick up a couple of gift cards, but other than that, I believe that “Christmas Shopping 2005” is complete.

Stray Toasters

  • In less than forty-eight hours, I will be on the Right Coast.
  • By way of Slashdot: Britain to log all vehicle movement
  • : Dark Phoenix Saga Storm Statue (info)
  • From the Detroit Free Press: Unmasked, Hero is human
  • This scene, had it been very early in Episode I, would have made that movie 150x better…
  • Hard to Find 800 Numbers Revealed
  • My brother’s penchant for sending… interesting… text messages continues to amuse me.
  • While looking up something at work, I came across this site:
       I don’t have a joke here. Words… fail me.
