Friday : 17 March 2006
Happy St. Patrick’s/Green Lantern Day!

The work day was good. There was nothing of note to write home or sing about, though.

After work, it hung out at Borders for a bit of reading and drawing. I talked with a gentleman – whose name happens to be Robert, as well – for a bit; he’s from Haiti. A bit on the talkative side, but he’s a nice enough fellow. stopped by to recruit me to help her move some furniture – she got a new steam cleaner and need stuff moved so that she could use it.

Clitorati. Not a huge turnout. wasn’t there, so I had to do the crossword puzzle alone. I couldn’t figure out two squares, but I finished the rest in about 25 minutes.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I joined some former teammates to run a couple of missions in Skyway City and Kings Row. Most of the people we fought were three to five levels ahead of me… so I had someone to sidekick me. That worked much better. I wound up accumulating a bit of experience debt (down to 3100 points, now), but I’m also five-and-a-half bubbles into Security Level 30.

By the time the last mission was done, I was quite ready to log out and conduct an inner eyelid study.

Quotes of the Day
Tonight’s quips come from Clitorati… and both of them from :

: “I’m going to be a sex goddess!” (And, yes, it was pretty much that random.


Josh: What do you have to do to be trained to inject people with botox?
: Practice on an orange.
: I thought you had to be good at heroin.
