Wednesday: Coda
After work, I headed to Dr. Volt’s to get this week’s selection of comics… and a few packs of the new HeroClix Crisis set. Of the three boxes, I only had one duplicate, which I immediately traded for another figure. Included in the take were:

I also pulled a Dial “H” for Hero dial.  It will be interesting to see how it plays.

All-in-all, it was a good haul for ‘Clix.

When I got home, I ate dinner, read this week’s comic selection and then played City of Heroes.  I didn’t manage to hit Security Level 45, but I’m less than 300,000 XP away from it.  I did, however, help a teammate get a character to Level 20; that was fun… although it was more fun after we added a Controller to the team.  (Who knew?!)

And now: Bed.
