Thursday : 27 April 2006
In the words of ‘Cube and Uncle Grandpa (the Macintosh): “I gotta say it was a good day.” Add to that the fact that it was No Bad News Thursday… AND the fact that I beat Tommy 2-1 in lunchtime games of Crack: the Addiction Magic: the Gathering. Boo. Yah.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I talked with earlier and made a possible plan to patrol together tonight, if she didn’t get onto another server. We never got together, so I ran around solo for a while. I went back to my Crey’s Folly mission (Defeat 35 Freakshow). I shouldn’t have gone in alone. But I did. And, I held my own. Then I hooked up with another guy… and that’s when it all hit the fan.

I started the evening with about 9300 points of XP debt.
Halfway through my gaming, I was up to 42,000 points of debt.

That did not make for happy feelings. In fact, there was one point where my teammate said “I’m not fighting them,” and waited to see what I was going to do. When I died, he went to see what killed me. (I found some measure of satisfaction in knowing that whatever it was that killed me… it killed him, too.)

I wound up getting invited to another team. That was a much better experience. There was real-life, honest-to-goodness teamwork involved here. Who knew?! By the time I left this group, I was clear of experience debt and a good deal closer to Level 34.

Stray Toasters
