Grey morning.
Blue(-ish) afternoon
Indecisively overcast evening.

Today saw twice the normal coffee action than a typical every-other-Wednesday. and I got together for a late lunch-time coffee… but the shop that we were planning going to (The Coffee Tree) wasn’t there. Literally. That’s sad because it was a quaint little shop and it was in a decent (though not great) location. I think that might have been part of the problem: It was off of Redwood Road (one of SLC’s main drags), but it was not facing the street and I don’t recall it having any signs along the frontage of the property. So, we went to Wendy’s instead.


Support your local coffee shop(s) so that they don’t disappear while you’re not paying attention!

If you’re in the SLC area, some of the shops that I have visited – and recommend – are:

  • Jitterbug Coffee Hop
  • Brew’d Awakening
  • Beans & Brews (small chain, but still local)
  • Greenhouse Effect and
  • Brew Monkey


Tonight was a coffee night, so we met with the regular irregulars at Greenhouse Effect. This was good as I was able to use my punch card to get a free ham and cheese crepe. I forgot to get Beth to do her Aku impression, though. Even after seeing a picture of the Samurai Jack: The Shadow of Aku game last night. Maybe next time…

Stray Toasters

Oy. I’m up far past the time that I had planned to be in bed. Time to rectify that.
