
Today was pretty good. Work was… a little slow, but not hellishly so. Having run into a bit of a brick wall with the form that I’ve been working on, I put it on the back burner and started on a new one. I’ll come back to the old one next week.

After work, Jess, Mary and I went out for dinner. We introduced her to the concept of and reason for drinking beer through a straw; she had never heard of it. We decided to run across the parking lot and have coffee/dessert at the Village Inn…. and ran into and . Nox made a comment that we shouldn’t have been so surprised to see them as that V.I. has become our “Cheers.” He’s right, it has.

Returned home and faced another round of driver/program installations on Jess’ computer. Most everything seems to be in place now. There are a few apps that have to go on, but things are looking good.

NPR Stories

Stray Toasters

“…and that’s all I have to say about that.”
