A Jedi Shall Not Know Anger. Nor Hatred. Nor Love.
A Jedi Shall Not Know Anger. Nor Hatred.
A Jedi Shall Not Know Anger.

I have a long way to go before becoming a full-fledged Jedi, it would seem. Today, I knew anger. Intimately. It wasn’t an anger focused at any particular person or thing. It was more like a shroud that descended upon me over the course of the day. It was an odd thing: The day started and proceeded nicely, but sometime around 4:30 PM, I could tell that something was amiss. I couldn’t put my finger on “what” it was, though. That, too, was troubling. And, I think that it possibly set into motion a cyclic pattern, much like the Ouroboros (1, 2) biting its own tail – An irritability that could not be defined turning to anger… which created an irritability…. which fueled an anger… The shroud had lifted somewhat by the time I left work (nearly 9:00).

I went to Borders to escape into a world of paper, graphite and caffeine. and were there, so we sat and talked. And read. And drew. And drank coffee and chai. The shroud had disappeared by the time that we left. I felt much better.

Song of the Day
Closer to Fine by The Indigo Girls

Stray Toasters

  • I’m going to work tomorrow. For a few hours. Am I looking forward to it? Not really. But, things need to get done. And so, I will surrender a few hours to the common good.
  • For some reason, writing about tonight’s mood reminded me of the line “I am Jack’s raging bile duct.” Thus, I present to you: Quotes from Fight Club.
  • Chinese President Hu Jintao has ordered officials not to cover up information about SARS cases in China. Many have said that the successor to Jiang Zemin was merely another follower of the traditional Party line and a fairly strict adherent to the methods and policies of his predecessor. Could this really be the start of a new era in the Chinese government, after all?
  • Scott Peterson: Guilty or not guilty? One would think that a man whose wife and unborn child went missing would show signs of some emotion. Instead, he went fishing. Allegedly alone. 90 miles from home. Was it just a coincidence that the bodies weren’t found too far from where he said that he went fishing? Things that make you go ‘Hmmm…’

I’m tapped. It’s time to call it a night.
