Sissy seems to think that if she is up at 5:30 AM that we need to be up, as well. Both Jess and I disagree with this notion, but we are having a very hard time dissuading her of it. I need to find my spray bottle. That might help.

Went to work and waited for a new DSL router that was supposed to be there this morning. It wasn’t. Nor was it there early this afternoon. It will be there tomorrow. *twitch*

I left early because Jess and I (still) had errands to run. One of them included a trip to Home Depot. I discovered something: When you’re there because you actually need something, it’s not as much fun as when you’re there “just because.” We also stopped by Circuit City and picked up a wireless router and card for Jess’ puter. Now, I have a few less holes to drill. (Don’t worry, … there are still a few holes that I’ll have to drill anyway; the loan of your drill and bit won’t be in vain!)

We stopped by to chat with for a bit. The three of us went to dinner at Cheers North for the first time since God was a boy. Vivi was there and she came to the table and chatted with us for a bit. Twas fun.

After we got home, I fought with the wireless setup. I won. Jess’ computer is now in upstairs in her room (I don’t think that she has a name for it other than her “Crafts Room,” yet. I don’t know if she’ll come up with anything as snappy as “HALO Command Center,” though.) Now that her computer is there, I need to figure out where to put the mp3 server and the G3. That will still leave me with plenty of free ports on the hub for more computers.

NPR and Other News
Talk of the Nation: Drug Marketing
Talk of the Nation: Religion and Politics
All Things Considered: Herb Festivals Make a Splash
All Things Considered: Satirical View of FDA’s Approval of Marketing Leeches
The World: Global Hits – Janice deRosa

Stray Toasters

  • I am going to the Rush concert tomorrow!
    Kudos and high-fives to and his brother.

  • We let Sissy out of the house (for the first time since moving) and into the backyard this evening. She seemed to enjoy it.
  • I have had snippets of Paul McCartney’s My Brave Face buzzing through my head for the past two days. I can’t prove it beyond a reasonable shadow of doubt, but I’d bet dollars to doughnuts that is to blame. Or knows who is.
  • Fascination with dinosaurs is one thing. London’s Natural History Museum has gone one GIANT step past that: They have recreated the breath of a T. Rex. My question is: “Why?!”
  • We get our fridge tomorning, too!
  • I need to find the power supplies for our computer speakers.
  • Is it a bad thing that I’m willing to rent The Punisher, but absolutely refuse to see Catwoman?
  • 30th Anniversary Tour.
    (NOT to be confused with “…a three-hour tour.”)

  • ::: This space left intentionally blank :::
  • Boxes, boxes everywhere!

“Goodnight, Mr. and Mrs. America and all the ships at sea…”
