identified my personal superpower a year or so ago:

[He] either knows everyone or everyone knows him.

She even started referring to me as Julie, our group’s Cruise Director. (I can’t really argue with that, in some cases.) An amusing sidebar to that is the fact that Lauren Tewes, who played Julie on The Love Boat, and I have the same birthday. But, I digress…

Yesterday, my superpower came into play at work. We’ve been looking for something for a project and it turned out that I know someone who might be able to help find it. This morning, our team lead, while talking about it, made the comment: “Right now, our best hope is Rob’s contact…”

Phil, my coworker in the workstation next to mine, said something along the lines of: “Isn’t that the way it usually is?” This brought out a few chuckles. Then, he took it down another line “Help us, Rob… you’re our only hope.” He paused for a moment before continuing with this:

We should just call him “Obi-Rob” from now on.

“Help us, Obi-Rob…. you’re our only hope.”

That made me laugh.

It’s nice to be in a work environment where your contributions are actually appreciated.