Monday : 19 June 2006
People have asked me how my day was today.  My response has been: “Not bad for a Tuesday.”  Needless to say, that got me a few odd looks.  Okay, not really any more odd than usual, but you get the gist.

I worked yesterday.  That’s right: On.  Sunday.  For 10½ hours.  I went in to do some work in our server room.  It was supposed to be a quick in-and-out job, a few hours tops.  In theory.  The practical application, however, turned out to be far worse.  Jason and I fought the not-so-much-flying-as-ambling spaghetti monster that forms our connection all day, from 9 AM – 7:30 PM. 

It was wonderful.

The racks tried to eat our hands.  Seriously.  Our hands look like we’d been in a pretty rough fist fight.  That was solved, or at least ameliorated, at lunchtime when we picked up a couple of pairs of work gloves.  Hallelujah!  We finished up with things looking a lot better than when we had started.  And, we even managed to make it (relatively) easier to deal with the wiring in the future.

Today, I got a new challenge/question for something to add to the PHP project that I’ve been working on.  I’m looking forward to seeing if I can make it fly.  I also tried something out that I didn’t really consider until this weekend:  Using a function to handle a repeated MySQL query.  I call that specific query about fifty-leven times, so I decided to make it a function and just call it whenever it was needed.  The cool thing is: By using this function, I can trim about 150 lines of code from my program… and that’s pretty damned slick, in my book.

Tonight, I went with and the boys to see the Salt Lake Bees (good team, st00pid name) take on the Las Vegas 51s.  It was a good game.  For the first time since I’ve been going to BuzzStingers… Bees games, they won.

<< Rewind <<
We also saw Cars this weekend.  “Ka-Chow!”  It was a fun movie.  There was a bit of drag (as in “time standing still”, not “racing”) in the middle of the movie, but I don’t think that it detracted from the movie, overall.  Note:  If you haven’t seen the movie yet, stay for the credits.  And, : Bird on a wire.  *nod*

Stray Toasters
