Friday – 24 August 2007
Last night’s “What should I have for dinner” conundrum was solved thanks to the timely intervention of lj user=”khayla”. She suggested sushi (Ika! Ika! Ika!). I agreed and we were off to the races, as the saying goes. We went to Tepanyaki; our chef, Don, was good. Not just that he was a good cook, but he also had personality. (“Personality goes a long way….”)

City of Heroes/Villains: View from the Aerie
After dinner, I took Corvus Nox back to Paragon City to get the last few thousand points he needed to hit Security Level 17. I joined a pretty good team and got the points needed… and moved a decent way towards getting to Level 18.

As I was preparing to log out, I stopped outside the Talos Island train station to try and resurrect a player who had been ambushed. The attempt was successful… to a degree. There were two problems, minor things really…

  • The person would have rezzed fine… had they been paying attention. But, they weren’t so they just continued to lie there.
  • The type of power that I was using requires me to drain life from nearby enemy characters – to redirect their energy into the body of the fallen hero. That part worked, but as soon as I did that, they started attacking me. And they were WELL above my level. So, I wound up dying. With the quickness. *sigh*

Stray Toasters

  • I introduced a couple coworkers to Avenue Q, by way of the The Internet is for Porn machinima and the Avenue Q Wikipedia entry.
  • It’s a good thing that it’s Friday: I just scrolled up to edit something in the top paragraph, saw the “Ika! Ika! Ika!” comment… and immediately started trying to reparse it to fit Iko Iko. Yeah… I need a weekend.
  • Coworker Susan sent me a link to Evil Mad Scientist Laboratories. (As if I needed yet another distraction…) I countered with Instructables.
  • forwarded this to me. It made me laugh.

  • Wife of Police Chief Arrested on Drug Charges.
    “Wife of Police Chief.”
    “Drug Charges.”
  • Tag: The Ring meets zombies
  • Liz sent me this; I should print it and put a copy of it on my cube wall…

  • Grindhouse breakfast cereal photoshopping contest
  • Here’s another way I can tell that I need it to be Friday:
    • I was looking at the cover art to Tag (from the ‘Toaster posted above)
    • It reminded me of the artwork for Chess
    • Chess reminded me of Deep Blue
    • Deep Blue kicked off a tangent about “…the Devil and the deep blue sea”
    • …which morphed in my head to “Devil and the Deep Blue C,” as in the programming language (naturally, I had to look up what language Deep Blue was programmed in – it was C)
    • …which somehow triggered a thought about Crystal Blue Persuasion.

    At that point, I forced myself to stop thinking about tangents. Yeah, I need a weekend.

  • By way of someecardsWhen you care enough to hit send.
