Monday : 30 January 2006
Neither “Manic” nor a “Rainy Day,” so I’ll give the day a passing grade.

The work portion of the day went without incident.

The non-work portion of the day was quiet and restful. For the most part.

I decided to buckle down and do my taxes. And I did. Thanks to TurboTax, I was done in something between fifteen and twenty minutes. Then came the aggravation. I decided to e-file my returns. That’s when TurboTax informed me that it would cost me $29.90 to e-file and an additional $24.95 for – get this – the “refund processing fee.”

It was at this point that I informed TurboTax that it could go and do a biologically-impossible rudeness to itself. Many times over. (Oddly enough, it didn’t reply to that imperative.) I clicked back a few pages and printed my returns. I don’t mind kicking out 78¢ to mail the return, but $54.95 to e-file? In the words of LL Cool J: “No man, I don’t think so.”

After that, I headed out to get a bite to eat and to visit . I introduced her to the world of 24; she seemed to enjoy it.

And now, it’s snowing. Again.

Stray Toasters

  • I spoke with my father for a bit tonight. All’s well with that side of the family, it seems.
  • Blue skies and gentle landings to .
  • sent me a link to this, which is pretty neat.
  • From the “Having a Bad Day” file: Museum visitor trips, breaks Chinese vases
  • Introducing “AirTroductions”
  • “Press any key to continue.”
  • Do you use Winamp? You’ll want to look at this article about a critical flaw.
  • Moonstone Comics and the 70th Anniversary of The Phantom
  • The first panel of this is for . May God have mercy on my soul.
  • From SciFi Wire: Potter V Casting Revealed
  • The art of Laurenn McCubbin
  • Mr. & Mrs. Smith was a fun movie. But why was a version of it picked up as a pilot for television series?!
  • The Strong Bad email on Technology made me laugh.

    Quote of the Day
    Today’s gem comes from a conversation I had with :

    [16:38] : Hola.
    [16:39] : Is it a “bad” thing that I was sitting here, about to tell a friend about a possible Hallowe’en costume, and had the thought: “I did tell you that I work in Mormonopolis, didn’t I?”
    [16:41] : No. Not at all. You are in the depths of Mormonopolis.
    [16:41] : Oh, okay. Good.
    [16:42] : You’re so far behind the Zion Curtain that it’s like you’re way back in the kitchen and you can’t even see the front room from there, let alone the curtain.

    And with that…
