Tuesday – 27 January 2015
As I was preparing lunch today, the television in the break room was on and tuned to [news channel whose initials sound like “SEE ENN ENN”]. As far as news channels go, I was cool with this; Faucks Newz is probably the only channel that makes my hair stand on end. Oh, wait…

The lead story was… dun dun DUNNNN… about the blizzard hitting the northeast. There was a live report from Brooke Baldwin in Boston; she commented that the snow was still falling. (It was. We could see it.) There was also a “Breaking News” banner plastered across the screen, telling of a sea wall breach on Massachusetts’ South Shore and how water was causing damage to a home along the wall and the potential for more damage when high tide rolls in. (Holy crap, actual news!)

It was at this point, that they decided to cut to another reporter for more information about the breach. Okay, I’m fine with the “man on the scene” reports for news-as-it-happens. Let’s go!

And… cut to the reporter… riding in a car… on the way to the scene.


What. The. Hell?!

Was there something that he can tell or show us – other than more falling snow out his window or the snow on the road ahead – that Brooke couldn’t?

Answer: Not really, from what he did say.

So, then WHY cut to “man-on-the-scene” if he’s not at the $(*&!#@$!%?scene?!

I feel the same way about on-the-scene reporters who are “reporting live from…” the site of a fire or an accident hours after the fact. Is there a relevant reason for you to still be there – other than:

  1. You’re the FNG and are paying your dues,
  2. You pissed off your news director and this is your punishment assignment, or
  3. You’re using your “story coverage” to squeeze in a trip to the Dunkin Donuts or liquor store.

Here’s my take on it:

  • Is the news happening now?
  • Is there something relevant to the story that we need to see at the scene?
  • Is there someone you’re about to interview who has pertinent information about that news we’re not seeing because it happened two hours ago?

If your answer was “No” to any or all of those questions, Get. Back. In. The. Studio.

