Friday : 27 October 2006
Today was a day full of “I don’t really feel like doing anything.”  And, I proceeded to do just that.  I stayed at home and chilled.  I did play CoH and put some books on the bookshelves, but that was about it.

This evening, I went to Mr. and Mrs. ‘s for a Hallowe’en get together.  It was good.  And fun.  I ran into a few people whom I haven’t seen in a while; I met a few new people.  It was a good time.

The Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I finally hit Security Level 45.  That’s a lot harder to do when you’re “between” contacts – one contact has a timed mission for me, but I don’t want to try and solo that one; other contacts haven’t wanted to talk with me until I hit Level 45.  So, now we’ll have to see what they have to offer.
Stray Toasters

  • I have Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
  • makes an amusing Sumo wrestler.
  • While listening to Moving Pictures the other day, I was struck by the thought that I really like four of the CD’s seven tracks.  This made me want to go album-by-album and determine what I like – and don’t like – about each of Rush’ studio releases.
  • By way of : Ninja Turtles turned gangster. This reminded me of The Juggernaut, Bitch!… which led to the discovery that there’s a J2: Juggment Day, not as tight as TJB, but it is amusing.
  • Marvel Comics Stamps, coming in 2007.

And that’s a wrap.
