I. Am. Tired.
(Not to be confused with I.M. Weasel or I.R. Baboon)

Today we replaced two furnaces in a house on the East Bench. Two very old, very heavy furnaces. I also picked up a few new skills today, so that was cool. Carrying the furnaces, however, not cool. I was amazingly tired by the time we got done. By the time I got home, it was all that I could do to get into the shower; I knew that if I took a bath, I’d fall asleep in the tub. Instead, I fell asleep after my shower – I sprawled out on the bed… and was gone. Thirty minutes later, I felt nominally human again.

That set up a very relaxing (read: “lazy”) evening. I watched Law and Order: SVU and after that went off, I channel surfed. I wound up watching Underworld. It was… “not completely horrible.” It was a decent diversion/distraction. I’ve played a game in White Wolf’s “World of Darkness” setting and I can see some of the things about which they were crying “foul.” But, it’s nothing too far removed from any vampiric and/or lycanthropic lore. Maybe it’s just me, though. And, it could have been worse. Like Innocent Blood. *shiver* I mean… really… Don Rickles? As a vampiric mobster? Puh-LEEZE.

Talk of the Nation: Saving Teens in Trouble
All Things Considered: Public Schools Struggle With Bipolar Students

Stray Toasters

  • I found a gap between the window and the sill in the HCC. At least that helps to explain why it’s always colder down here than the rest of the house. (When I checked, it was 8° colder than upstairs.) I caulked the part of the gap that I could reach without completely opening the window. I’ve also put up some plastic sheeting over the window. I can already feel a bit of a difference.
  • Hey, …. Cover to Issue #5
  • got a Magnetic Poetry: Put-Downs set for Christmas. After poker, we all huddled around the refrigerator and came up with ideas. It was like the Soul Train Scramble Board on crack. One of my favorites: “I see that you set aside special time for the Dumbass Fairy.” I’ll post more quips as we come up with them.
  • It looks as though DC is putting a new spin on OMAC. This could prove interesting.
  • : Build your own Batphone
  • : The Name of the Game
  • In case you haven’t heard: The Incredibles will be released on DVD in March and new episodes of Family Guy will air in May.
  • Ob La Di, Ob La Da
  • Old or Obsolete Names for Diseases and Disorders
  • What do you get when you cross Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles with Peanuts?

  • Leave it to G4TechTV to screw up yet another thing. No, that’s not entirely true. I shouldn’t blame them; I should blame their parent company, Comcast. As if firing many members of the TechTV staff wasn’t enough or even the way that they focused more on the “G4” than the “TechTV,” now they’re dropping TechTV altogether and will return to the gamer-oriented programming for which G4 was known before the G4-TechTV merger.
  • Hugh Jackman and Clive Owen appear to be the front-runners to be the next James Bond.
  • By way of disinformation comes: Modigliani: An Artist Between Worlds
  • Marvel Comics has had success with most of their recent cinematic outings. Hopefully, that will continue this summer with Fantastic Four (trailer).
  • “That’s the biggest barrel I’ve ever seen, is it pump action?”

And that’s a wrap.
