It was a “50-50” day today. It started off rather well, but ended on a less-than-stellar note. It’s amazing how a day can turn sour when you get called on the carpet for following the chain of command. Some days… I bitched and moaned about it for a while, but then I realized that I didn’t do anything wrong. That helped to improve my mood a bit. That and a supportive talking-to from my father.

On an “up note,” when I got home, I found that Jess had gotten me some rather amusing (and cool) Valentine’s Day gifts:

  • A bear holding a big red heart from Hallmark
  • A frog holding a heart that says “Kiss me”
  • A small frog. It has a drawstring. When you pull it, the frog vibrates.
  • The Schoolhouse Rock 30th Anniversary Edition DVDs
  • Spider-Man (widescreen)
  • …and a balloon!

Song of the Day
To wrap up “Who-What-Where-When-Why and How” week, let’s go with:

  • When Morning Comes by emmet swimming
  • Who Can It Be Now by Men at Work

Stray Toasters

  • It was a rather overcast and drab day today. At one point, you couldn’t tell where the clouds met the mountains; it was just a wall of grey.
  • I’m giving serious thought to setting up an Apache server on my Linux PC. It would be a good learning experience, I think.
  • I was contemplating a trip to Borders, but decided against it when I noted the time. It’s not worth the travel time for just 0:20 – 0:30 of bookstore time. Maybe, I’ll go tomorrow afternoon.

That’s about it for now. Time to veg out in front of the TV and do some drawing. And maybe throw in a little XBox time, too. At least until it’s time for ‘Bebop.
