Wednesday – 28 May 2008
This morning’s stay in The Dreaming was an odd one.  I had a couple of mildly annoying dreams, followed by one humdinger of a disturbing dream.  The disturbing one actually woke me up.  Twice.  I managed to fall back to sleep after waking the first time… and went right back into the same dream, almost at the same spot where I woke up the first time.  Not fun.  Looking at the clock didn’t make things any better: It was 5:38 AM.

I did fall asleep again a few minutes later.  When the alarm went off at 6:30, I was still tired, so I turned off the alarm and went back to sleep.  I woke up around 7:44 and put the day in “Go” mode.

Other than that, the day – short, though it’s been – has been good.  Let’s hope that it stays that way.  In order to hopefully help it along, I have the Rush in Rio DVD playing on one of my monitors.
