I spent the afternoon with at Utah’s 24th Annual Belly Dance Festival. It was a great alternative to spending a beautiful Saturday afternoon in front the nerd. We saw dancers and dance troupes. bought a few things. tested a batch of henna on me. And, we saw , Carrie, Angela, Beth, Larry and .

Came home and checked on the twins. Lightning seemed a little more animated, but I think that his right paw is still a bit tender.

On to bowling (167 – 142 – 122 – 190 – 143 – 153 – 134). , and met us at the alley for 2D Physics fun. At breakfast, we were joined by , and . Standard amounts of hilarity and hijinks ensued.

Stray Toasters

  • Dad called this morning. All’s well (as well as can be in the middle of wedding preparations) on the northern homefront.
  • I was flipping channels this afternoon and came across a cartoon called Liberty’s Kids. I stopped because I thought that one of the voice actors was doing an Arnold Schwarzenegger impression as one of the characters. It was a pretty good one, too. I decided to look up who it was. It was Arnold. And the rest of the cast was equally impressive. (And it was far better than watching a bad Lord of the Rings knock-off on Superfriends.)
  • By way of Slashdot: Top Banned Books of 2003
  • Kate and are getting together about my GL costume! Hoo-AH!
  • Also from Slashdot: Grow Your Own Replacement Bones
  • Reason # 99352 of “Why we love Todd”

    [13:13] *Iso8* when the fuck did team dancing with hulahoops become an olympic sport? goofy fuckers

  • Laura Branigan passed away on Thursday.
  • “Do you know how I learned about prostitution?”
    “… and so, 20 guys later…”
    “…I was with my cousins and my mother…”
    “…in Nashville…”
    “…and so 20 cowboys later…”
    “…and she only went home with 40 bucks in her pocket.”

    Let’s just say that the conversation from which these snippets were derived nearly resulted in someone spraying the breakfast group in Mr. Pibb. More than once.

  • Fuckin’ UDot!!! *shakes fist*
  • There’s something inherently wrong with having to turn on the heat in the car on the way home… at the end of August.
  • Fashion don’ts and cracked-out looking patrons in restaurants late at night. *shiver* I’m almost afraid to try and go to sleep. Almost.

Quote of the Day
Something that the writers of Justice League Unlimited have been keeping as an subplot is a burgeoning relationship between Wonder Woman and Batman. In “This Little Piggy,” tonight’s episode, the two are staking out a potential crime scene from a nearby rooftop, watching the people on the street. Wonder Woman tries to initiate some small talk:

Wonder Woman: Don’t you ever wish you were down there?
Batman: I’m down there all I need to be.
Wonder Woman: Yes, but it’s just a job to you. I’m talking about going down there and having some fun. Maybe.. maybe with someone special. *pause* No. No dating for the Batman… it might cut into your brooding time.
Batman: *stares at Wonder Woman for a moment*

    One: Dating within the team always leads to disaster.

    Two: You’re a princess from a society of immortal warriors; I’m a rich kid with issues. LOTS of issues, and….

    Three: If my enemies knew I had someone special, they wouldn’t rest until they’d gotten to me… through her.

Wonder Woman: *crushes the head of a gargoyle on the rooftop* Next?
*An alarm goes off*
Batman: There! *jumps off roof*
Wonder Woman: Saved by the bell.*flies after Batman*

I think that I’ve mentioned how much I like the writing on this show. Scenes like this just serve to reinforce that feeling. And, as an added bonus: Batman sang! Quite well, at that.

Time for a shower and maybe a few hands of poker.
