Thursday : 15 June 2006
It was a good NBN Thursday.  The monkeys were quiet today; that was a good thing.

Today’s workout was something of an adventure:  Eric and I left the office, went to his car and took off for the gym.  We checked in and headed to the locker room.  That’s when I noticed that I had grabbed the wrong bag.  I had another bag of clothes in the trunk… and that was what I picked up, without thinking about it.  *braincramp*  I borrowed Eric’s car and went back to the office.  Got the right bag and went back to the gym.  If both of the bags had been the same color, that would have been one thing.  But, no… that wasn’t the case.  My gym bag is solid black; the bag I took at first was white with a BIG red-and-blue Tommy Hilfiger logo on it.  It’s not like anyone who was paying even nominal attention would not have noticed the difference.  *sigh*

Post-work, I had dinner with and her boys.  After that, it was CSI and Without a Trace; I had seen the CSI episode before (but had not) and neither of us had seen the WaT episode.

The Daring Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I took a trip to Paragon City to beat on some bad guys (and to rid myself of some debt).  One of the first things that I saw, near the train station, was the Ghost Ship.  I was asked to join a team for a Level 42 mission and I agreed.  Oy.  That was not one of my better decisions.  It was a decent team, but the mission kicked our collective recta.  MANY times.  I think I died five times on it.  And, the final bonus was a bit of a ripoff.  I wound up with more debt after the mission than when I started.  Not zesty.

Stray Toasters
