Today was a good day… despite the chill in the air and the rain.

It was also the first Park City excursion of the year. Yes, I’ve already been to Park City once this year, but that was for Sundance. And, thus, it doesn’t count. We met up with friends (Special Note: Kudos to for getting to Park City on VERY short notice.) and ate brunch at Cisero’s – they put on one of the best brunches around and the price is reasonable. We were there for about two hours.

After brunch, half of the group headed back home while the rest of us went on to the traditional shop and gallery stroll portion of the trip. Lots of good (and expensive) stuff to see. And, I wasn’t aware of it before, but the guy working in the David Whitten Gallery was David Whitten. I had seen him in there before, but hadn’t made the connection. He was rather personable. We continued to browse through other galleries and stores but, as it was raining, we cut that short and wound up at the No Name Saloon. By this time, our party had dwindled to four. But that was fine. We had beer and mixed drinks to keep us company. And that was a-okay.

<< rewind <<
As I mentioned (briefly) last night, yesterday included a trip to Happy Valley Utah County. We went to see Art of the Ancient Mediterranean World: Ancient Egypt, Greece and Romeat the Brigham Young University Museum of Art. As I said last night: It was awesome. Easily worth the cost of admission. There were two other exhibits on display: Thoroughly Modern: The New Woman Art Students of Robert Henri and Disenchanted Forest: Contemporary Art by Johnston Foster. These were good, as well.

On the way home from the museum, I stopped at Dr. Volt’s to get my four-color fix. I also picked up a couple of things for Perry. , I forgot to get your copy of Mnemovore, but I’ll pick it up with this week’s haul. I also picked up one (exactly one) piece of plastic crack: Sinestro (rookie). I figured that since I got a Hal Jordan Green Lantern a couple of weeks ago, I might as well pick up his arch-enemy. (And, in light of the recent events in Green Lantern: Rebirth, I couldn’t resist.)

Last night, a group of us got together and went to see Kung-Fu Hustle. I won’t attempt to describe the movie. I don’t think that I would do it justice. I will say that I had a great time watching it. I think that the twenty (or something close to that) of us who were there had a blast.

> Play >
On the way up to Park City, I decided to read Identity Crisis #1. It came out last year and was the first prelude to a continuity-wide shake up at DC Comics. I’d heard bits and pieces about it, but I hadn’t started collecting again when it came out. But, when I read Countdown to Infinite Crisis last week, I decided to read Identity Crisis.


Stories come into being every day.
You see them in newspapers.
Book reports.
Adventures that kids make up.

They are all around us.

Once in a while, a great story comes into being. It isn’t just “written.” It’s “crafted.” It is nurtured along from the most faint of ideas to a blindingly bright beacon (How’s that for alliteration?!) that draws us towards it. Like moths to flames.

Identity Crisis is one of those stories. It took a look at a side of superheroics that is usually taken for granted: Family. What if someone knew who was behind the cape and mask? And what if that person decided to attack the secret identity’s family?

Where do the heroic deeds stop… and where does revenge begin?

In Identity Crisis, we are shown that line. And what it means to cross it.

DC wanted to shake up their universe.
They have done an exemplary job of getting the ball rolling.

Stray Toasters

  • My stomach is upset. I’m not sure “why.”
  • Bug Medicine
  • How’s your cell phone etiquette?

    My results:
    Move over, Miss Manners
    Cell phone users as considerate as you are few and far between in this country of 171.2 million cell phone subscribers. The public appreciates not hearing the intimate details of your date the night before, and the fact that you don’t answer your phone in the company of others does not go unnoticed. You use the environmental settings on your phone so as not to disrupt, you excuse yourself when you need to make or receive an important call, and you talk at a low, unobtrusive level. While not one to draw attention to yourself, be proud. Then politely call or text your family, friends, and coworkers and pass on your cell phone manners knowledge.

  • Woman Breastfeeds Tiger Cubs Umm… yeah.
  • For fans of Capcom’s Street Fighter series: UDON’s Lithographs

  • Ten Myths of Reading Instruction
  • Artistic Magic: The Art of Leonard Morgan
  • Favorite quote about the guy who got his ass kicked by Wonder Woman:

    “There’s nothing more dangerous in the DCU than Batman’s arrogance.”

  • Thisgives a new twist to the adage “Art imitates life.”

  • Receive a free slice of ice cream cake at ColdStone Creamery on Monday, 4/25 from 5-8PM. Customers are encouraged to make donations to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation. (Store locator) Make-A-Wish® Cake: Chocolate Ice Cream with Cookie Dough and Chocolate Shavings layered with Yellow Cake and covered in Ganache.

  • What’s your digital photography IQ?
  • Will Ferrell will be in a feature film version of the 70s Saturday morning show Land of the Lost. I’m not sure if he will play Rick Marshall, one of the characters from the original show, but his character in Silent Bob and Jay Strike Back was named “Marshall Willenholly,” after Rick Marshall and his TV kids, Will and Holly.
  • Today’s random Wikipedia “word”: Integer-valued polynomial

And with that…
