Let’s not have another day like this one, what say?

I’ve been working on something for the past couple of days. Today, I got frustrated with it… to the brink of the “leave now or break things” point. So, I left. There’s a… football field-sized… um… “field”… just south of our building. I took a walk around it and a couple of the neighboring buildings. I also took the opportunity to call my father and chat for a bit. By the time that I returned, I was feeling human again. Although my dour mood continued throughout the day.

I came home and took out my frustrations on “The Branches Formerly Known as Lilac Bush,” which have been sitting on the RV pad for the past six months or so. Branches, meet Wood Chipper. Wood Chipper, Branches. Two-and-a-half hours later, I was done. All but the largest of the branches have been rendered into mulch. We need to get a push broom and a large pan for the remaining sawdust, but we have usable space next to the house once more.

I came in, changed the shower head – which I’ve been meaning to do for two days – and took a warm shower. I knew that the old shower head was a piece of crap, but the new head made it seem positively archaic. We had pizza for dinner and watched L&O: SVU; I treated myself to a glass of chocolate milk to wash the pizza down. When the show was done, asked if I wanted to go with her to the gym. I had already declined a movie invitation from and because I was tired – both from the wood demolition and last night’s lack of sleep. But, the idea of going to the gym intrigued me.

I went to the gym. For the first time in far, FAR too long. I did a back and triceps workout. I’m feeling pretty good, so far. We’ll see how I feel when the alarm goes off.

Stray Toasters

  • Thanks to for pointing me in the direction of this. It made me smile in the middle of an otherwise irritating day.
  • Speaking of “irritating days,” it seems as though I was not alone in feeling “off-center” today. Both and seemed to have less-than-great days, as well.
  • …and it looks like Bunny’s day wasn’t great, either –
  • There’s a… debate, I guess… on the Lilguyz Yahoo! Group about the dangers of wielding a double-bladed lightsaber. A couple of guys trained in the martial arts have made points that it is as dangerous – if not more so – to the wielder as it is to the other duelist. They also noted that an accomplished single-bladed lightsaber duelist could (easily) defeat an opponent who used a dual-bladed one.

    Another voice chimed in with this gem:

    “ahhhhhhhhhhhh but light saber is used by those who let the force flow through them and it makes the fight better…”

    This isn’t entirely true. Non-Force sensitives are also capable of using lightsabers, although not as effectively. And let’s face it, for someone through whom the Force flowed (in their blood!), I seem to recall that two generations of Skywalkers were intimately familiar with the business end of a lightsaber blade. Like father, like son…

    One of the original comment-makers followed the “the Force makes them better” response with the following retort, which made me chuckle:

    “Luke swung a lightsaber with the finesse of a baseball bat. He was never the equal of those like ObiWan or Mace Windu”

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  • , I think that Door #2 will interest you.
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