I’m still not overly fond of getting up at 6:00… but I have to admit: Getting off work by 4:00 is very nice. The work day was good and it was Mallday (for lunch).

I came home and mowed the jungle that is was the backyard. The northeast corner of the yard had blades of grass around 15″ tall in some spots. The lawnmower wasn’t particularly happy about that. It stalled a few times in the more dense areas. But, the lawn has been mowed. And it looks pretty good. Again. Finally.

After that, it was time for a shower and then off to meet up with the rest of the Clitorati. Tonight, for the first time in far too long, came down. Conversations were as random as ever, but the company was good. We left the bookstore a little early and headed to Cheers: North for dinner.

After dinner, and I headed to the Tower Theatre for their midnight movie: Superman.

We got there a few minutes before the show started – plenty of time to find seats (there were only 15-20 people there, in all) and get situated before the lights went down. And for the next two-and-a-half hours, I was a seven-year-old kid again. A kid who believed that a man could fly. (Sidebar: I called my father this afternoon and when he asked what our plans for the weekend were, I told him about going to see Superman tonight. He laughed; he knows that I really enjoy the movie. Of course, he was the one who took me to see it two or three times when it was in its original release.) Yes, there were some things in the movie that would go right over a child’s mind; seeing it again, with 27 years worth of distance, makes that all too clear.

But that never stops me from being able to watch it with a similar – if not the same – sense of awe and wonder (and just plain joy) that I had sitting in a theatre, next to my father, watching it for the first time, all those years ago.

Stray Toasters

I have been up for nearly 24 hours. I should really hit the rack.

< /consciousness >
