The day started well. I listened to Wait Wait… Don’t Tell Me. I got a phone call from . I chatted with and . I even got to hang out with and for a while.

The early evening was good, too. I played more X-Men: Legends.

The later part of the evening: Not so good. “Something” happened to ‘Nine. It powers up, but it’s unresponsive. And there’s no video signal getting to the monitor. I think that the motherboard has gone the way of all things flesh silicon. I don’t know what the problem is, but I need to find a solution or, at least, a work-around. Soon. As in “yesterday” soon. And, with ‘Nine down for an indeterminate amount of time, I am a little agitated. Go figure.

It’s 4:00 AM.
I’m tired.
And I know that trying to work on the problem now will not serve me well. So, I am going to try to get some rest and tackle it in the morning. The post-sunrise morning.



I lied.

I tried one thing: Resetting CMOS.

It worked. And I’m happy. But, I’m still tired. And I’m still going to bed.
