Union Pacific's Great Excursion Adventure

“I wonder what I’d do if I could fly around downtown…”

everyday glory No Comments »

Wednesday : 03 August 05
Today was an all-around good day, which is never a bad thing for the middle of the week… even though today was my “Thursday.” I’m taking Friday off. I deserve it. And anyone who says differently can take up their argument with the business end of my boot. *nod*

I came home from work to find a message from Chelsea (Adam’s – the youngest of the sibko) girlfriend. Nothing major, it seems. She just called to say “Hi.” He’s visiting her, so I spoke with him for a while, too. They both seem to be doing fairly well.

It was Game Night, so I cruised over to ‘ place. We didn’t play. Instead, we sat around and chatted. One of the things that we discussed was getting together to play with our plastic crack; we haven’t done that in a while, so it should be fun.

Back home… and on to Paragon City. (More on that in a minute.) Now, I’m up much later than I should be. But, I’ll be rectifying that VERY shortly.

Adventures of a Novice Superhero
Last night, I teamed-up with a couple of people and ran around The Hollows bringing electrical justice to those who needed to be reminded of the differences between “good” and “Oh, you wanted me to kick your ass.” And, in teaming up, I was given a nickname, of sorts, by one of my teammates: “Bolty.” When she first said it (yes, she used it more than once), it made me chuckle. It reminded me of a 60s sidekick name.

Tonight, I died twice while attempting to complete a mission. Things went much better, however, when I joined a small team. It’s amazing how that works out! I also worked off enough XP debt to regain the experience that I lost and even level up to Security Level Nine. And that puts me one level closer to Flight. Yessssss!

Stray Toasters
Sorry. None here. Check back tomorrow night.


“Superman and Green Lantern ain’t got nothing on me…”

everyday glory No Comments »

Tuesday : 02 August 05
Today was infinitely better than yesterday.

I didn’t lollygag too long after the alarm went off this morning.
I had a double shot-laden cup of frozen mocha goodness.
Things at work proceeded apace.
The lunchtime gym hour went well.
The rest of the workday wasn’t maddening.
And… I threshed the jungle into something that resembles a “back yard.” Before it started raining.

All-in-all, it was a good day.

Random Access
No one knows what it’s like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

     -“Behind Blue Eyes” by The Who

I have liked this song (full lyrics) for many years. I have always taken it as an outsider’s moment of painful and angry introspection – that the singer was the person “behind blue eyes.”

I was recently listening to it and had a different thought about it: It would make an awesome “anthem,” of sorts, for or about a minority. When I started looking… “listening,” rather… to the song a little differently, I could easily hear it being sung from the point of view someone whose life and/or accomplishments have been ignored by society… simply by virtue of the color of their skin. And this song is their silent prayer into the night.

No one knows what it’s like
To be the bad man
To be the sad man
Behind blue eyes

No one knows what it’s like
To be hated
To be fated
To telling only lies

Those “behind blue eyes” are perceived to have a better life. A life without the darkness that permeates the outcast’s world. Without the hurt. Without the anger and bitterness.

No one knows what it’s like
To feel these feelings
Like I do
And I blame you

No one bites back as hard
On their anger
None of my pain and woe
Can show through

They may be in an outwardly-seeming “hopeless” situation, but that doesn’t stop them from dreaming.

But my dreams
They aren’t as empty
As my conscience seems to be

I have hours, only lonely
My love is vengeance
That’s never free

And those dreams bring with them hope. Of a better tomorrow. A better life. A better way.

When my fist clenches, crack it open
Before I use it and lose my cool
When I smile, tell me some bad news
Before I laugh and act like a fool

And If I swallow anything evil
Put your finger down my throat
And If I shiver, please give me a blanket
Keep me warm, let me wear your coat

…if only someone can show them the way out.

I would like to hear how this song would sound if approached from that point of view.

And that’s my 2¢ worth on that.
::: EDIT :::
and I were discussing this and he made a good point: I narrowed my focus on this topic to matters of race, but it could easily be applied to ANY minority – minorities by virtue of belief, lifestyle or other criteria.

Adventures of a Novice Hero
I’m really enjoying City of Heroes. I’ve been regaling and with my Paragon City adventures as the costumed adventurer known as Indigo Bolt (Pictures: 1, 2, 3). A couple of the recent things that I’ve told them about were:

  • When I hit “Security Level 6,” how ranks/levels are measured in CoH, I had a new series of powers opened up to me. I chose the ones that would lead me to Flight. *duh* But, you don’t start out with Flight. You start with Hover.
    <sarcasm> Woooo! </sarcasm>
    That’s right. “Hover.” Watch criminals cower in fear as you float in mid-air. But, it’s a step in the right direction. I was rather… exuberant… the morning after I acquired Hover. Mainly because running from zone to zone is… um… what’s the word… it’s on the tip of my tongue… oh yeah: BORING! And, like I mentioned before: It’s one step closer to Flight. w00t!

  • A couple of days ago, Don and I were running (*ZzzzZZzzzz*) through the city and he leapt up a wall. Not quite in the proverbial “tall building in a single bound” way, but close. When I tried to climb/jump up the wall, I was treated to a sound return to the ground. *sigh* After a couple of unsuccessful attempts to scale it, Don messaged me and simply said: “You can hover up the wall…” D’oh!
  • I made it to Security Level 7 a couple of nights ago and was given a mission in a part of town called “The Hollows.” To get to The Hollows, one has to pass through a zone. I’ve crossed plenty of zones in the past… however long I’ve been playing. The interface is a little different than it was in EverCrack, but I figured it out. Unfortunately, I didn’t remember this any of the eleventy-billion times that I tried to cross into The Hollows. I’d get to the zone border… and stop. So, I’d back up and run to the border again… and stop. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

    What I was doing wrong didn’t dawn on me until last night around 11:00. At which point, I was about ready to slap myself silly (okay… “sillier than usual”) for not thinking about what I was doing. Yeah… some hero I’m turning out to be.

  • And in another “Wow… he’s smart” moment: Last night, I was running (*ZzzzZZzzzz*) through The Hollows, snapping my electrified foot off in whatever criminal ass needed some righteous justice. For one mission, I had to defeat ten (10) members of a certain gang. I got up to nine… and then ran out of targets. So, I went hunting. I decided to check out the scene from the roof of a nearby building. Lo and behold: I found my target! I decided that I’d hover a few yards above him and pick him off from above and avoid getting into a fight with his buddies. Good operational theory, horrible practical application. As soon as a zapped the guy, his friends ALL turned, looked up… and unloaded with their guns. Mother of God….

    On the “plus” side, they weren’t great shots.

    On the “minus” side, there was a tree next to where I was hovering… and the bastards know how to climb trees. I was still far enough up that they couldn’t engage me in melee, but their shooting prowess seemed to get a bit better at closer range. I have to give the programmers credit for adding in the “climb tree” feature. It’s exactly what you would expect would happen if a similar situation occurred in the real world: Someone’s taking potshots at you from the air?! Climb the nearest tree or fire escape and take him out.

    Anyway… I managed to avoid dying (that time) and take out that entire group before I decided to call it a night.

That was kind of fun. I might have to add “Adventures” as a semi-regular section… especially when I have more bone-headed moments to share. Hopefully, it wasn’t boring/dull for the rest of you.

Stray Toasters

  • I spoke with not only the middle sibko member today, but also both parental units. Two of the calls bore good tidings. The last, however, not as much so: I have an aunt who has Alzheimer’s. We’ve known it for a while and my folks have taken what steps they can to see to it that she’s receiving care and treatment. The disease is apparently advancing rather… quirkily. It is advancing “somewhat quickly,” but she still has good days: She remembers people and places, etc. My mother and uncle are currently in Ohio to check in on her; don’t EVEN get me started on what-little-I-know about the complete clusterfuck that my mother is going through in trying to get my aunt moved to NC. I should hear from either my mother or uncle tomorrow with an update on how my aunt doing; but from what Kris (middle sib) told me earlier, she’s not doing incredibly well.
  • There is an Oreo Blizzard® in the freezer calling to me…
  • : I stumbled across and thought that it might be something in which you would be interested.
  • Dark Phoenix and Cyclops MiniMate 2-Pack. *covet*
  • You know what you gotta do?
    You gotta get on outta here with that alley-cat coat-wearing,
    Hush Puppy shoe-wearin’ crumbcake that I saw you with…
    ‘Cause you dismissed!
    Silly rabbit! Trix are made for kids, don’t you know that!?
    You without me is like Corn Flakes without the milk!
    This is my world; you just a squirrel tryin’ to get a nut!
    Now get on outta here!
    Ahhh!!!! Don’t touch that coat!

         “The Rain” by Oran ‘Juice’ Jones.
    This song used to crack me up when I was younger.
    It still does.

  • Hey, Nyx-a-delic: Old Man ZIM Lands in Chicago
  • Not that I’ve ever had any problem going there, but now I have a reason to go to one of the local Build-A-Bear Workshops: Build-A-Bear Teams with the NFL. That’s right… say it with me: Ravens Bear.
  • “Quick! Pretend to be a rock formation!”
  • : This had your name all over it – Creativhe Cohmmons Cthulhu Comhic
  • Because this drives me insane: The correct spelling is “definite,” not “definate.”
  • : Click here.
  • Interesting. But, I’ll ask you to tell me if this sounds like a fairly accurate match for me.
    Gandalf: A wandering spirit caring for a multitude of just concerns, you are an instrumental power in many of the causes around you.

    And so am I, very dangerous: more dangerous than anything you will ever meet, unless you are brought alive before the seat of the Dark Lord.

    Which Fantasy/SciFi Character Are You?
  • I have been fond of A Modest Destiny/The Starship Destiny for the better part of a year. I clicked on it tonight, hoping to find a new comic. Instead, I found a notification that – due to the dark and nasty parts of the Internet – the site is being shut down. It’s sad to see someone basically vilified because he fought for something in which he believed and when he should be experiencing some of the most happy times of his life – the birth of his first child – people instead have taken his absence as an open invitation to backstab and malign him.

    Fare well, Sean Howard and AMD.

This incredibly long post has been brought to you by the letters “D” and “W” and the number “9.”


“There’s parts of me that don’t find resolution…”

everyday glory No Comments »

Monday : 01 August 05
I can’t say “I never got the hang of Mondays.” Mostly because it isn’t true. When your mother is a schoolteacher, you get the hang of Mondays pretty early in life. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to like them. Most Mondays aren’t bad. Others… well, let’s just say that I welcome their end.

Today was an “other” Monday.

The day started off well enough: I slept in. When I finally got myself in gear and to work, things proceeded nicely. called and invited me out for lunch; we went to Barbacoa (which I prefer to some of the taquerias in the area).

The day took a bit of a nosedive when someone asked me a question, which I answered freely… and then they effectively looked at me and asked me how could I have been so stupid as to have done what I did. (The old “Walk a mile in my shoes” maxim came to mind…) That, along with the fact that I ran into a couple of work-related problems, sent my mood – and the rest of the afternoon – right to the shitter. It took me hours to get to a point of being tolerably “okay.”

had asked for my help in arranging some things at his place, so I headed there after work. We stopped at Dr. Volt’s. After my day, I felt like seeing if there was anything there that caught my eye. I left with a couple of boxes of plastic crack – I wound up getting a few figures that moved the “Crappy Day-O-Meter” back towards the “Not-so-bad” setting, including: Nightcrawler (experienced) and Juggernaut (experienced). From there, it was on to Nox’.

A little later, showed up and we headed to dinner with Dave and Alyce. We went to Dave’s Kitchen. Once again: If you like Chinese food, you need to try this place. It was good. We ordered four dishes and shared them. After dinner was over, we considered heading across the street to see a movie, but decided to postpone that until later in the week.

And now, I’m home and pondering spending an hour or so in Paragon City

Stray Toasters

  • I watched Glory last night. Watching the entire movie put a lot of things into perspective that I didn’t get from just seeing the last portion. It was amazing – and inspiring – to see a group of misfits, who were little more than a mob, become something much more. They became more than just men in uniforms. They became men with a purpose. And focus. And desire. The transformation was a slow and painful one, but it was awesome to watch.

    It was amazing to see men who had been beaten down and downtrodden find something in which they could find pride… without being prideful. The sense of honor – and, eventually, camaraderie – that drew them together was a powerful thing. And it wasn’t just visible in the freedmen and former slaves. You could see the change as it overtook their commanding officers, especially as they stopped viewing the troops as a clever gambit on President Lincoln’s part and started seeing them as men who had chosen to fight for something in which they believed.

    If you haven’t seen the movie, I recommend it heartily.

  • Happy Birthday to August LJers:
  • I’ve been listening to Fiona Apple’s debut CD, Tidal, at work. I had forgotten how solid a release it was.
  • By way of Slashdot: Original Lightsaber Goes for 3x Expectations
  • Experts Warn About Powdered Alcohol
  • By way of Backwash: Film Threat’s Frigid 50: The Coldest People in Hollywood
  • The SurLaLune Fairy Tale Pages – featuring 35 annotated fairy tales
  • I’ve listened to Chuck Berry’s My Ding-A-Ling for years upon years. It still makes me chuckle.
  • Ten Mistakes Writers Don’t See (But Can Easily Fix When They Do)
  • Day by Day (from Chris Muir)

Quote of the Day

[23:56] : i love your sister
[23:56] : So do I.
[23:56] : Most of the time.

“I turn my back to the wind, to catch my breath, before I start off again…”

everyday glory No Comments »

Sunday : 31 July 05

It’s been a busy past few days. I left home Friday evening to spend a little with the Clitorati before heading down to Cedar City. Even though the time was brief, it was fun. A short while later, Cecilie (the movee), Mike and showed up… and we were on our way.

I haven’t done a road trip in a long time; I had forgotten how much fun they can be. Three hours and change in a car: Amusement. I actually started to nod off a little before we arrived in Cedar City (something to do with only six hours’ sleep in the previous 60 hours…). But we got there and hung out for a bit (translation: “We shot the bull and drank beer for a few hours…”) before calling it a night.

Next morning: Up and get underway. We moved boxes. And boxes. And more boxes. And bins. And furniture. And stuff. LOTS of stuff. The “operational theory” was that we would get up, load and be on the road by noon (or close to it). I’m sure that most of you are aware of my take on “theory vs. practical application.” This move didn’t deviate from that paradigm. It took us, five or six hours to load the truck. We didn’t get on the road until after 4:00. Then we pointed the truck northward and headed for Salt Lake City.

We got back to SLC a little before 9:00. By this time, we were tired and just plain ready for the move to be DONE. All caps “DONE.” We had the truck unloaded in two hours. Yeah, we were that ready for it to be over.

Cecilie and Co. dropped me off at home, I showered (Have I mentioned how much I appreciate love indoor plumbing?! I do. A lot.), and then headed out to breakfast. It wasn’t a large turn-out, but that was fine because one of our former favorite managers, Melody (not to be confused with ) was back… and she’s back for good! At least as “for good” as anyone ever stays in one place in the restaurant business.

This morning, I woke up to the phone ringing… and missed the call. I called back; it was Angie. We made tentative plans to get together. That was followed by a call from Dee; he needed some ideas for “things to do while your brother is in town.” I drew nothing but blanks. He said that he’d come up with something. I then contacted Angela, who had messaged me last week about getting together for coffee. A few minutes later, plans were formalized and I was getting ready to go out.

Angela and I met at Cocoa Caffe. We chatted for a couple of hours, something that we haven’t done in a long time. It was good to hear her talk about the things in her life that have changed and what she’s doing to make – and keep – herself happy. She’s come a long way since we first started talking. That’s a very good thing.

::: intermission :::

I played City of Heroes for a few hours this evening. Don was online so he sidekicked me for a while; then I exemplared (basically I became the “senior” hero and he was the sidekick) with him for a bit. It was good. I picked up a couple more levels… and I’m one step closer to Flight. And that kicks the pants of Hover any day, although, I can’t really bitch about Hover at the moment. It’s helped me out in a couple of places. But, maaaaan, is it slow.

and I watched Glory tonight. She had never seen it; I saw the last third or so while I was sick a month or so back. Excellent movie. I will definitely buy a copy of it. Watching it also has me pondering a longer, more involved post about it… but that will wait until at least tomorrow.

Stray Toasters

  • Happy Birthday, !
  • I need to pick up some gummy worms or cotton candy. Or both.
  • “Blitler”
    You pretty much had to be there for this one.
    Just nod and smile… and know that it makes me laugh. That’s enough.

  • In talking with my friend this afternoon, Don, he asked me to remind him about DC Comics’ “Zero Hour” and if I was the reason that he started reading/collecting The Legion of Super-Heroes. Guilty-as-charged. (, you might be interested in checking that LSH link…)
  • “Look, Mommy, ninjas!”
    “No, dear, those are geeks. Ninjas wear hats!”

  • Interesting article from Buzzscope: SDCC Panel – Blacks in Comics
  • : Trigun Maximum: Black Vash PVC Figure
  • ….


    After months, if not years of speculation about the release of special editions of the previous BATMAN films, Warner Bros. officially announced on Tuesday that all four films would be released in two-disc special edition format on October 18th. All four films will be released individually, as well as in a gift set titled “Batman: The Motion Picture Anthology, 1989 to 1997”. In addition to digital transfers of each film, the DVDs will include several bonus features, including director commentaries from Tim Burton and Joel Schumacher, behind -the-scenes featurettes, cast and crew interviews, and music videos. One can only wonder if the Batman Forever Special Edition will be the much rumored “good version” of the film.

  • : I believe that you will like this.
  • From Real Tech News: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About the Trebuchet
  • Hawk: “How can those two flirt at a time like this?”
    Gina: “Because danger makes people horny.”
    Hawk: “Ohhh. Then we all must be really horny.”
    Gina: “Hawk?”
    Hawk: “Yeah?”
    Gina: “Stop talking now.”

  • Thursday, I mentioned that I got a new Wolverine HeroClix. I’ve been trying to figure out the story behind it. It seemed like it should be from X-Men: The Days of Future Past… but I couldn’t say so with 100% surety. Until tonight. I came across my post from 11 June 05 in which I posted a link to this and this. That cemented it for me. The image of the figure on the WizKids site is at a bad angle, but if you look at the actual figure, the pose is a spot-on take of the model and the comic cover.

It’s late and it’s a school night, so I should hit the rack. More than once, I considered taking Monday off. But, I’ll go in and grin and bear it. It’s Monday, after all. Maybe I’ll take Friday off, though…
