Sunday : 30 April 2006
It’s been a good weekend, culminating in introducing to the celluloid goodness known as X-Men. She liked it… and she’s not even a comics fan. Although she is becoming something of a gamer. She even bought her first few sets of Magic: the Gathering cards today. We played a few games Saturday night, with a few of my decks, and she even beat me in three consecutive games. Impressive… and a little scary, considering that she’s been playing for less than two weeks. *shrug* She’s taken to it very quickly.

In other highlights of the day, I spoke with my mother, stepfather and brother today. My uncle and Bret were unavailable; I’ll catch up with them later.

Highlights of the weekend include:

  • Clitorati. And, for the first time: beat me at the crossword puzzle. Grats!
  • Dinner at Bohemian Brewery and Grill. If you live in the SLC Metro area, you should go there. Try the Cherry Bock. Tasty.
  • Saturday night breakfast with the usual suspects… and , her brother and sister-in-law.

All-in-all, it was a very good weekend. The only thing that I didn’t get around to was a trip to Park City. Oh well… maybe I’ll do that in a couple of weeks.

Stray Toasters

And that’s a wrap.
