It was a rather productive day. It went by quickly. That was a plus.
Quiet night at the homestead: Watched CSI and anime.

Song of the Day
Madrigal by Rush, from “A Farewell to Kings”

Stray Toasters

  • I have no problem admitting my Lego addiction:
    • Two (2) Lego watches
    • The new train set
    • Star Wars Jedi Defense set
    • A Bionicle figure
    • A Monkey – it came with one of the watches.
      (Haven’t you always wanted a monkey?!)

    Not to mention the Rokenbok monorail which is Lego-compatible. Yeah. I couldn’t deny it if I tried. So, naturally, I got all wrapped up in the Lego site last night… when I had planned to be sleeping. Nope. No go. Nuh-uh.

      Lego site. *click* (O_o)
      Club Lego. *click* (o_O)
      Lego trains. *click* (@_@)

    In retrospect, it was funny. In a Lego kind of way.

  • The Perils of Penelope Pitstop, featuring the Ant Hill Mob and their car, Chug-a-Boom. On Boomerang. I remember watching this many rains ago.
  • Cheryl Ladd. Before she was an Angel, she was a Pussycat.
  • Doug, the uber-cool FedEx guy.
  • Lady in the white Chrysler 300M. Not cool. Nor,apparently, was she familiar with the concept of “Check your mirrors and your blind spots before backing up.” *sigh* Utah drivers.
  • Like Don Quixote tilting at windmills, so goes SCO. Now, they are apparently trying to delcare the GPL (General Public License) invalid because they claim that it violates the U.S. Copyright Law. *boggle* The Don Quixote analogy may be more apropos than I had realized. Dulcinea, Don Quixote’s beloved, existed only in his mind; many have said that the “threat” to which SCO is reacting is similarly illusory.
  • Scientists in China have created hybrid embryos. “What sort of hybrids,” you ask.. Ones with a mix of human and rabbit DNA.

Quote of the Day

[22:46] : Got the pocket watch set. *beam*
[22:46] : ?
[22:46] : Ah!
[22:47] : Congrats. 🙂
[22:47] : Thanks. 🙂 I’m resourceful.
[22:47] : Does this mean that I should start calling you MacGuyver?

And with that… good night.
