Monday – 12 January 2014
Day 12: Give stream-of-consciousness writing a try. This is where you basically just write out whatever comes into your head at the moment it comes into your head. It can feel bizarre, and it’s certainly not structured, but it can lead to some valuable insights into what’s going on in your mind. I’ll give you a 10-second example from right now, while looking out my window: “Boy, I have a nice-looking grill outside and the weather is beautiful…just what we need after all this cold and snow. That cloud looks like a ship from Star Wars… it makes me want to be outside.. maybe I need to spend more time outside and appreciate the fresh air. Perhaps I’ll open a window!” Random? Absolutely. Offering some helpful insight about my desire/need for fresh air? Affirmative. Try this out for 10-15 minutes. You may uncover something — no matter how small — you hadn’t previously realized.

And… go!

I really want to get the trim up in the Train Room so I can clean the room and actually use it… Age of Ultron trailer was good; I wonder if that was the Black Panther in that quick shot… I want to get the guys together for a Clix game… I should play Destiny soon…. I hope the girls allow us to have a better night’s sleep than last night… Wonderland isn’t going to read itself… Rocksmith… We need to do something about the storage room… Snow. Rain. Whatever is going on out there now… I need to figure out what I’m going to do about going to Bret’s wedding… Cutting the cord will be good for us… WHERE IN THE HELL DID THIS SCALLOPS CRAVING COME FROM?!… Need to remember to iron my pants before I head upstairs for the night… I should probably cull some sweaters… Scotty Doesn’t Know… I need to get magnetic tape for this window… 2x4s… need to call the ‘rents… SPAAAACE WHAAAAALES!… Figure out what other cartoon themes might catch the girls’ eyes/ears… Ease On Down The Road… Sorry, Sara… Keep an eye on Rush ticket dates… Look for BBVD dates… I’m surprised I’m not more tired…

That was just shy of ten minutes. I guess my subconscious wants me to do some more fun/relaxing things. I’m not going to argue with it.
