End of the work week. And it was a good day, to boot. Things at work went rather smoothly – that’s always a good way to cap off the week. More CF work. I ended the day with a meeting with and a soon-to-be-introduced new co-worker. It lasted longer than expected, but it went well.

After work, it was off to Borders for a bit. I met the LJer occasionally known as and Jess. We chatted for a bit. I had mocha. I drew a little. All was good and right with the world. Following this came dinner at Sampan. I was a little disappointed: It wasn’t up to the usual standards.

John L. and John S. from our traditional Village Inn stopped by after their shifts ended. The reason: To bring me a pie. Not a slice or two… a whole Chocolate Peanut Butter Cup pie. (Note to : My super-power at work again.)

Song of the Day
Battle of Who Could Care Less by Ben Folds Five, from “Whatever and Ever, Amen”

Stray Toasters
I was speaking with a friend today and found out some rather interesting information about my former place of employment. Concerning me. Keep in mind that I have now been an “ex-employee” for exactly six months, as of today. And, there was also some good news about a couple of friends of mine.

That information that I learned was:

  1. The identity of the person who “ran to tell Mommy and Daddy about the mean things I said about work/people at work” nearly two (2) years ago, in my journal.
  2. Members of management made statements that they hid (HID) my Official Personnel Folder (OPF) from Jess while she was in charge of OPF filing and administration.

Definite signs of adult behavior, not to mention professionalism. I never really cared who it was that told management about the journal… but, I had a couple of people whom I suspected. It wasn’t them. However, the person was related to one of my prime suspects. (There’s a little “dynasty” that runs through that facility. Another word for it is “nepotism.” I won’t even mention the favoritism that runs rampant in there…)

Here’s a little primer: 1, 2, 3, 4.
The first one is from my last day as an employee of the USPS and the others are about the some of the things that led to my “fall from grace” as a supervisor there and/or my response to the fall.

I don’t think that I ever elaborated on why I stopped supervising: Someone at work told the senior managers that I had been saying some… unfavorable… things about the manner in which things were being handled there. It’s true. I did. I still think that a great number of things were done in an ass-backwards manner. But, that’s another story. Long story, short version: They looked at the journal. They held a meeting with all of the supervisors, as a group and individually. After my individual meetings (plural), they decided that I didn’t fit the dynamic of the team. *shrug* That was fine, because I had been very close to telling them that I wanted to get out of the program.

Another item – “good news” – was that some of my friends have quit the 204-B (Acting Supervisor) program. They finally tired of the rigamarole and the office politics. “Bravo” and best wishes to both of them.

I find the whole thing – the WHOLE thing – oddly amusing. The information is very worthwhile. And useful.

Sweet desert rose
This memory of Eden haunts us all
This desert flower, this rare perfume
Is the sweet intoxication of the fall.
