Let’s see… since the last post I:

Went to Borders to hang out with Jess and Mary. We caught each other up on what we had missed over the weekend.

From there, we hooked up with and his brother (whose name eludes me at the moment). We saw The Last Samurai, which I enjoyed quite a bit. Yes, there was a bit of “creative license” as far as history went (go figure), but that didn’t detract from the experience for me. After that, hometime.

Football Final
One-for-three on the day, but it was the important one. As I noted earlier, Baltimore is the AFC North leader. All alone. In other games:

  • Miami got blanked by the Patriots, 12-0, in Foxboro. ESPN is referring to this game as “The Snow Bowl,” due to the weather conditions.
  • Carolina lost to Atlanta, in overtime, 13-20.

Stray Toasters

  • I’ve found a new comics-related site (like I needed another distraction): Broken Frontier. I like this site. Some of the items that caught my eye tonight:
  • New York City + Lego = The Brick Apple
  • I have a cell phone. That’s fairly common knowledge. I like movies. That’s pretty common, too. I do my damnedest not to mix the two. Unlike the idiotstick who sat a three seats to my right this evening. He came into the theatre with drink and popcorn in one hand, phone-to-ear in the other. And wasn’t very quiet with his conversation. (I asked if I’d be out of line if I snapped my foot off in his ass, if he kept talking through the movie. He said “no.”) I figured that once the trailers started, he’d end the call. Nope. Even worse, he put Call #1 on hold when Call #2 came in. Call #2 was brief. But Call #1 continued for another couple of minutes before he decided to go outside to finish the call.

    While he was gone, a gentleman came up to our row and asked if there were any seats available. I told him that all of the seats to the aisle were free. (There were four seats to the aisle, total. Phone Guy was originally in Seat #3.) The gentleman sat in Seat #2. When Phone Guy came back, he sat in the aisle seat. Quietly. Thus, I didn’t have to wear him like a shoe. And, my inner anarchist smiled.

The West Wing is on. And I’m gone.
