Thursday – 06 September 2007
Another NBN Thursday is well under way.

Even with last evening’s nap, I slept well last night… despite some rather unusual dreams that included an inordinate number of spiders. Large spiders. And none of them were named “Peter,” “Jessica” or “Julia,” either.

I got back from the gym a little while ago. Eric had another go at benching 300 pounds; it just wasn’t there – he got it off his chest to the point where his upper arms were parallel to the floor, but couldn’t pass that threshold. I gave him a bit of assistance to get past that point. He was able to push a little more, but the bar started sagging. I helped him finish the lift and re-rack the bar.

I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try 300 again. I got on the bench and had Eric assist on the lift-off from the pegs. I brought it down fairly well, got it to and off of my chest and…. stalled a bit at the same point Eric did. He gave a little assistance (two fingers, just enough to keep the upward momentum going) and, with that, I was able to extend through the threshold and finish the lift.

But, I can’t claim the weight. Yet. I should have it within the next week or two, though.

The rest of the workout was good. We’ve been adding pull-ups/chin-ups to the routine. We start with unassisted sets and then finish out with some machine-assisted ones. When we started, I could do one set of ten unassisted pull/chin-ups and two sets of assisted. I’m up to two unassisted sets… and sometimes, I can make it 2½ unassisted sets.

Stray Toasters
Just one, so far… but it’s a doozy.

Someone in the office upstairs, Mentoring of America, has been parking his chopper in the lobby of our building.

Yes, we have a parking lot.
Yes, there are plenty of places to park.
Apparently, the guy is just a dink and his bike just can’t be rained on.

So, this afternoon, Coworker Matt (not Dwim)… which is kind of like Was (not Was), if you think about it… decided to have a little fun: He put a box and some entry forms out there, next to the bike. The entry form reads:

Enter To Win!!!

We’re giving away a CUSTOM West Coast Chopper

Enter Below And You May* Be Our Lucky Winner


Email Address: ____________________________

Why Motorcycles Shouldn’t Be Parked Inside: ____________________________


*Employess of Mentoring of America NOT eligible. Odds of winning are 0/100000000 since we don’t own the bike. However, raffle will continue until bike is removed.

The beauty of this is that people have been filling out forms and stuffing them in the box. Including people from Mentoring of America. In fact, one of them filled out an entry while I was out there. Classic.

I put an entry in. My reason for Why motorcycles shouldn’t be parked inside:

Motorcycles are free-range creatures. They weren’t meant to be cooped-up inside office lobbies. FREE THE BIKES!
