Daylight Savings Time. It is a concept that eludes most cats. Or, maybe they just don’t care. Either way, Sissy was urging me to “rise and shine” sometime around 9:30 this morning. Given the fact that I didn’t get to bed until somewhere around 5:00 this morning, I wasn’t having any part of that. I woke up long enough to pet her a few times and then faded back into the quiet darkness of sleep until after 11:00.

I took the bike out for a 5.5-mile ride. I need to ride more often. And get back into the gym on a regular basis. Around 1.25 miles, my legs were feeling a bit tired/stiff; by the time I hit 2.5 miles, I seemed to “hit my stride” and get my second wind.

Bowling last night was good. Very good… as long as you don’t count my warm-up game: 91-162-118-156-134-222-133. I was rather happy. Breakfast was good. Cheers was packed; it was rather dead when we got there, but within :30 minutes of our arrival, people started pouring in. Among them were a plethora of fashion violations. It wasn’t pretty.

Stray Toasters

  • You got your chocolate in my peanut butter!
    You got your peanut butter on my chocolate!
    Two great tastes that taste great together: Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups

    Many of you may remember that from the old Reese’s ads. In a similar (but completely twisted) vein, there is a site that combines Lego® and death: Block Death.

  • This site reminds me of Think Geek-lite.
  • Diesel Sweeties (Thanks, Nyx)
  • Wild, chaotic
    Peak of my erotic
    There’s a riot going on…

  • In the “Just in time for Easter” file: What happens when good people do bad things to marshmallow confections? Find out at Peep Research.

Time to get ready for the rest of the day.
