Typical start to the day.
Typical middle.
The end was a little different.

I had dinner at Sampan with and . Mmm, Chinese food. Strolled through the mall and saw some of the HALO action figures (Blue Master Chief and the Banshee… but I want Sargeant Johnson, too) and the “Battle Damaged” MechWarrior Mad Cat II and Jupiter die-cast figures. And the MW ones are on sale. Methinks that I will have ‘Mechs, after all.

And there was a Bank of America ATM in the mall!!!
A tiny vestige of civilization from back home!
I was so happy, I ran up to it and hugged it!

Came home and watched Adult Swim and putzed around on the computer. I had planned to do something productive on it. No go. “Laziness” was the operative word… and I went with it.

I got a call from home around 11:30 PM. It was my father. He handed the phone to my sister. She’s getting married. รƒโ€_รƒยต Congratulations to her and ! (More on this in the QotD, below.)

Stray Toasters

  • Gummy bears.
  • Sissy is chasing her tail on the other chair again.
  • Utah drivers. *twitch*
  • and I were having a discussion about the two versions of Ocean’s Eleven. I like both versions, but there is… something… about the older version that has a style to it that the new one doesn’t. Maybe it’s just a Rat Pack thing.
  • Airtoons
  • Sometimes, a short walk can be the perfect addition to your day.
  • From Backwash: Chainsaw Chick, the chainsaw artwork of Cherie Currie, former vocalist for The Runaways.
  • Also by way of Backwash: This. Irreverant, but funny… and 99.7% work safe.

Quotes of the Day

Item #1:

[00:03] : yea your dad sat to the side watching mrs. n and rana go back and forth
[00:03] : mrs. n kept going “my baby’s gettin’ married”
[00:04] : dad goes “young man…my sympathies.”
[00:04] : I [heart] my dad.
[00:05] : yea he was in rare form

Item #2

[15:37] : Oh… what was the word on the door?
[15:37] : Panes?
[15:37] : $108! 8/
[15:37] : Total?
[15:37] : they’re coming to fix it monday.
[15:37] : yeah.
[15:37] : That’s NOT bad.
[15:37] : for 2 stupid panes of tiny glass? : “)
[15:38] : Unless you’re going to blow it yourself…
[15:38] : i guess it’s some weird tempered glass they have to order in, that’s why monday.
[15:38] : yeah yeah. : “)
[15:38] : …said the Actress to the Bishop.
[15:38] : ๐Ÿ˜‰
[15:38] : bwahahahahha!!
