Tuesday : 06 September 05
Waking up and being even nominally “bright-eyed and bushy-tailed” for work after a three-day weekend isn’t easy. Not at all. I slept in this morning, rather unintentionally. Not terribly so, but enough to make it worthwhile. I ran a few errands before work and then got down to brass (or at least brass-plated) tacks.

I got in a good workout at lunch. I returned to one of my former routines. While I know that it’s good for me, it hurt like a sonuvabitch when I got about 2/3 of the way through it. But I finished it.

I postponed tonight’s Shadowrun game as was under the weather. I could have still run the scenario, but I would have had to make some adjustments… and I wasn’t really up for that. So, we’ll probably just do it next Tuesday. Instead, I watched the 2005 Drum Corps International Finals on ESPN2.

The High-Flying Adventures of Indigo Bolt
I’m not sure exactly what happened, but it looks like last night’s Task Force fell apart. I had mixed feelings about that. On one hand, it would have been nice to complete the TF mission. On the other hand, being on the Task Force precluded me from taking on any solo/team missions. And when you’re talking about a TF whose members are in different time zones, coordinating game time isn’t always the most easy thing to do.

After the Task Force folded, I ran a couple of solo missions. I went to Faultline and took on some Clockworks and a few members of the Circle of Thorns. The Clocks were cake. The Circle killed me. That didn’t make me happy. Pretty far from “happy,” in fact. So, I went back and mopped up the bottom of a gully with them. That made me feel better.

A former teammate, HiMaintenance, sent me a message to come to Independence Port to help take on Lusca, a giant octopus who has been attacking dockworkers. So, I left Faultline and headed to Indy Port. To say that Lusca was a “giant” octopus would be akin to saying that Buckwheat could use “a little” Afro Sheen on his hair. “Gross understatement” would be the operative words in both cases. This is what Lusca looked like from the air… with me zoomed out a few steps: (1, 2, 3 and 4). Yeah. BIG. I wound up dying once while fighting it. But, we – and I mean a LOT of “we,” something on the order of fifteen of us – fought it. And we beat it. And we wound up getting a new Badge out of the deal.

Hi and I then went to Boomtown to take on a group of Mystics… who were operating out of the sewers. Do you have any idea how long it takes to get that… that… SMELL… out of your costume?! We found the mystics and their guards and guardian spirits and took them on. And won. Without dying. From there, we took on a mission against the Tsoo in Kings Row. These were not easy fights. And the Tsoo have this nasty habit of employing sorcerers who heal their warriors in the middle of fights. I have come to have a “severe dislike” for sorcerers. We beat the Tsoo around “daybreak.” So, I flew to the top of the building in which our mission had been and watched the sunrise. It might not seem like much from that picture, but watching the sun come up over the cityscape showed a lot of planning and coding on NCSoft’s part. My comment to Hi as I watched it was “Wow.” It was pretty impressive. After checking in with my contact, we both decided to leave Paragon City for the night.

Stray Toasters

That’s it for now.
