After this morning’s madness, things have calmed down significantly. My personal threat Level has moved down to “Guarded” from “Severe.”

It was nice to get through the rest of the day without wanting to dismember service techs. Or coworkers. Or random strangers.  I skipped lunch, but that just meant that I got to go home earlier. And, as I have food in the fridge: !TANSTAAFL.

Stray Toasters

  • I’m picking up a pair of Billy bookcases (Billys? Billies?) from and OnlyAly in a bit. I guess that means I’ll have to prepare for less “theory” and more “practical application” of where to put them.
  • By way of Stephanie: Kimono’s Townhouse
  • Game Review: LEGO Batman
  • My copy of Iron Man is waiting for me at the local Best Buy.
    Online ordering + In-Store Pickup = Win.
  • Moo!
  • And, as it (somewhat) follows the theme of the ‘Toaster above: Guitar Heifer
  • Spicy chili kills amateur chef

And tonight: Scion.
