Wednesday – 20 May 2009
Last night, Chris came over to play HeroClix. We decided to just play a 1000-point free-for-all brawl. (Pictures here.)  Chris brought a five-man team, with a bunch of heavy-hitters; I fielded a ten-figure team, with a decent assortment of abilities. My entire game plan (can’t really call it a “strategy,” as it was based on accomplishing one goal) was based on something I’ve been wanting to try for a few weeks: Using two figures to telekinetically move a third figure into position to beat someone down. Badly. That’s exactly what I did:

  • Turn 1: Green Lantern TK’ed Marvel Girl ahead of the main group.
    A few other figures advanced across the map.
  • Turn 2: Green Lantern TK’ed KC Superman next to Marvel Girl.
    Superman picked up a heavy object.
    Marvel Girl TK’ed Superman further across the board.
    Superman picked up a second object and charged Proteus.
    Superman used Flurry (make 2 attacks) – missed the first one, hit the second one.

The look on Chris’ face when he realized what I was about to do was priceless… and, it was pretty much exactly the reaction I expected. I went on to have a few more really good dice rolls – while Chris’ dice were cold – before the tables turned. I wound up losing on points (by about 300 points), but percentage-wise, we did about the same damage to each others’ teams. We’ll be playing again on next Tuesday; I should start considering team options.

Stray Toasters
