Wednesday – 04 November 2009
Yesterday was our… whatever you want to call it, yesterday marked one month since SaraRules and I got married. (Yep, I totally lucked out.) We spent a quiet evening in, eating dinner, watching TV and drinking wine. It was a nice way to spend our… um… one-twelfth-iversary?  One-month anniversary?

I woke up this morning with a couple of Wham! songs running through my head. I haven’t decided if it’s a “good” thing or a “bad” thing. Granted, they were upbeat and bouncy – which isn’t a necessarily bad way to kick of the morning – but it was 80s pop, after all. First thing in the morning…?  *shrug* I suppressed the idea of subjecting people on Facebook to videos of the songs this morning, at least, and I went with this, instead.

I’m not sure if any of the usual suspects will be going to sushi today. I might just have to make another excursion without them, after all… there are comics to get!

Wes and I made it to the gym yesterday afternoon:

  • Sit-ups (incline): 3 sets/20 reps
  • Bench Press: 3 sets/10 reps, 205 lbs
  • Lateral Raises (with Flys, dumbbell): 3 sets/10 reps, 10 lbs
  • Reverse Punches: 3 sets/15 reps, 10 lbs
  • Curls: 3 sets/10 reps, 25 lbs
  • Tricep Extensions (dumbbell, overhead, standing): 3 sets/15 reps, 40 lbs

Post-workout weight: 185.3 lbs (gym clothes, shoes)

I think I might – voluntarily – do some side bends next time. Ugh. I’m also thinking of dropping my bench press reps down to eight, per set, and seeing if I can start increasing the weight a little more.

Stray Toasters

Quote of the Day

“That’s so big, it’s not a jet… it’s a Seabus!”
