Friday – 11 December 2009
Hello, 9/80 Friday. Today’s been a good day… and it’s barely halfway over. So far, I’ve been able to sleep in (Thanks, SaraRules!); enjoyed a leisurely morning; run a couple of errands; gone shopping – with [SPOILER DELETED] at [SPOILER DELETED]; gotten to finally catch up on a few episodes of Wolverine and the X-Men… and now, it’s time for lunch.

While watching TV earlier, I decided to check out The Super Hero Squad Show (1, 2, 3) – the cartoon based on the Hasbro line of toys based on Marvel Comics characters.

I had seen part of an episode a few weeks ago. It was… entertaining. It’s definitely written with young children (5 – 10, I’d say) in mind, but there are definite nods to other aspects of the Marvel Universe in the writing, as well. Case in point: In this morning’s episode, Iron Man, Thor and the Silver Surfer were fighting Klaw, Screaming Mimi and Toad in the sewers under Superhero City. At one point, Thor hurled a barrage of lightning bolts at Toad. In a reference to X-Men (the first movie), Silver Surfer observed:

Silver Surfer: So that is what happens when a Toad is struck by lightning. What a let down.

I believe that I actually laughed out loud at that.  I may have to add it to my list of ‘toons to watch.

Stray Toasters

  • SaraRules and I are heading to see The Princess and the Frog tomorrow…
  • …in a related note: Still Waiting for Disney’s First Black Prince
  • GAP “Cheer Factory” commercials:
    • Kids commercial == cute (Adorable, actually…)
    • Twenty-somethings commercial ==  annoying.  “Hella annoying,” even.

Time to figure out what to do with the rest of my afternoon…
