Sunday – 09 January 2011
Typing “2011” still feels a little “off” to my fingers.

It started snowing again last night. I haven’t made it to a window to see how deep the snowfall is yet. I’m hoping for the light, powdery snow, as opposed to heavy, wet snow.

Yesterday, I judged another HeroClix tournament at Dr. Volt’s Comic Connection. The turnout was good; there were ten players. The tourney was a “constructed” event, with players having to build a 300-point team, utilizing at least one figure from the new set. Once again, first and second places were separated by only three (3) points. After the tournament, I got into a 6-player game with some of the guys. 1,000 points per player. One map. We split into two teams of three. I played the Black Lantern Corps:

  • Black Hand
  • Kal-L
  • Martian Manhunter
  • Nekron
  • Scar

I also used the Black Lantern object. I was rather pleased with how well the team worked and how useful the figures’ abilities were, despite having my pieces eliminated first. I can’t be too upset about that though: The other team saw my figs as threats… and, quite frankly, I would have done the same, were situations reversed. It was a fun – and very long – game.

After I got home, I watched Resident Evil: Afterlife with SaraRules!, and later introduced her to The Thomas Crown Affair. While somewhat entertaining, Afterlife was not a good movie. It also had more “bullet time” than all three Matrix movies, combined! (“Hey! Our movie’s crap… let’s use lots of slow-motion to make it seem cool!”) Thomas Crown, on the other hand, was both entertaining and good. It had been a long time since I’d seen it and it made me want to see the 1968 original version, with Steve McQueen.

Resident Evil: Afterlife
The Thomas Crown Affair

Instant Replay: Football
In a couple of hours, the Ravens will face the Chiefs in today’s AFC Wild Card Playoff Game.

Stray Toasters

Time to find something to do (hopefully, other than shovel snow) until and get here for the football game…
