Wednesday – 04 May 2011
It’s the middle of the week.
It’s also new comics day.
It’s also game night.

Today is also Star Wars Day.

I also found this picture…

…but it’s this one that actually echoed exactly what was going on in my head:

Last night was D&D night with and company. We…

  1. Got into a fight.
  2. Ran into a situation that we weren’t expecting (read: “A priest trying to bind a goddess to our plane”).
  3. Played the D&D equivalent of Ghostbusters.
  4. Survived the adventure.
  5. All of the above.

Yeah, we were about as surprised as anyone. But, we lived to adventure on another day. And that was a good thing.

Stray Toasters

Yeah.  I think that’s good.
