Thursday – 26 April 2012
It’s another NBN Thursday Technical Friday.

It is also, apparently, National Pretzel Day.

After Tuesday night’s basketball-a-gogo, last night was a much lower-key Pasta and Movie Date Night. SaraRules! chose Midnight in Paris.

I didn’t know what to expect, as I’d only heard “It’s a good movie” from people, but not much else about the movie. It was, in fact, a good movie. It took a number of turns that I didn’t fully expect. Of an even greater surprise: I really enjoyed Owen Wilson’s performance. (He’s usually VERY hit-or-miss for me, much like Will Ferrell.)

I also commented to SaraRules! that this was not only our second consecutive movie that was set in Paris, but it was also a movie that captured two different qualities of the “magic” of Paris as envisioned by their protagonists. And both movies did it well.

Stray Toasters
