Saturday Rocks

The book discussion (Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word) went well! Better than well! It was great! There were eight of us and we had a fairly eclectic demography:

  • 4 women and 4 men
  • 1 Asian, 1 African-American, 6 White (mixed-European descent)
  • 4 straight women, 2 straight men, 2 gay men
  • 1 Buddhist, 1 Baptist, 2 Mormon, 4 non-religious

This gave us quite the mix of viewpoints; that was a good thing. Including lunch, we spent almost three hours at the restaurant. And the best parts about it: It was a discussion and not a “let’s shout our viewpoints till everyone else agrees” session and EVERYONE contributed to the dialogue. It was nice to be able to sit and talk about things that:

  • …aren’t necessarily ‘easy’ or ‘comfortable’ to talk about;
  • …everyone had opinions or comments or questions about;
  • …people were receptive to hearing/learning about.

I think that we should do something like this again.

Otherwise, it was a fairly average day. Jess, Larry, new-friend Zaq, and I bowled tonight. Providence and Fortune smiled down upon me again. After bowling we decided to return to our old post-pinkilling haunt, Denny’s. There were some interesting-looking people there tonight.

I think that I shall call it a night.
