Friday : 05 August 05
I took the day off from work. That’s not something that I do often, with the exceptions of emergencies, illness or vacations. I don’t think that I have just “taken” a day off like this since I worked for the USPS. And that’s been two-and-a-half years. And even then, I would typically just go in and leave early.

Today, however, I didn’t do much of anything. A good part of the morning was spent taking a nap. The afternoon saw about an hour of world-saving, as I played City of Heroes for a while.

Tonight’s Clitorati gathering was good. A modest-sized group showed up. Once again, there was a musician in the cafè when we got there. His name was Josh Heftel; he played guitar (and harmonica). It wasn’t bad… but he played a little loudly for the room. *shrug* But, again: It wasn’t bad, overall. Perry brought me a new piece of plastic crack: Firestorm (veteran). One of my favorite characters from the 80s. He also found an Edna (from The Incredibles) figure for . I also picked up a copy of this month’s Utne Reader and a new copy of Nigger: The Strange Career of a Troublesome Word. I loaned my hardback copy to someone many moons ago, but I do not remember whom. Oh well.

I came home and played (more) City of Heroes.

Fell asleep at the keyboard.

Calling it good for now.
