As in “Thank God it’s…”

I overslept this morning. I woke up around 5:30 – thirty minutes before the alarm was supposed to go off – to make a trip to the water closet. I got back into bed, figuring that I’d doze until 6:00. Which I did.

The alarm went off.

I turned it off.

I fell asleep.

I woke up at 6:26. I think that the first words out of my mouth were “Oh, shit.” Twenty-six minutes may not seem like a lot of time, in the grand scheme of things, but when you normally use that time to prepare for work, it’s a LOT of time that’s lost. Fortunately, I’ve taken to preparing clothes and coffee the night before. That saved me a lot of grief and aggravation. I was dressed and out the door at 6:37. Granted, I decided to forego shaving (at least until I got to work), but I was on the way.

As I needed to take shaving gear with me, I took my medicine kit with me. I figured that since I already had a toothbrush, toothpaste and saline solution in my desk drawer, taking a razor, shaving cream and some deodorant wouldn’t be a bad idea. And so it was. The rest of the work day was pretty good. I got a bit irritated with a project that I’m working on. But, that attitude didn’t remain for very long.

When I got home, I wasted a lot of time before deciding to tackle the rapidly-growing jungle that we refer to as “the back yard.” It took about thirty-five minutes to finish. Which left me just enough time to shower and get dressed before picking up from work.

Then, it was time for the weekly gathering with the Clitorati, which included cameo appearances by , and . We also met the newly-transplanted and Adam. From there, it was on to dinner at Cheers: North. And then, it was hometime.

Stray Toasters

I’m tapped.
