Five years.

As of today, that’s how long and I have been together. We were talking about it this morning: It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long. We also get odd looks from people when we tell them that we have never had a fight in all that time. We’ve had disagreements, but they’re usually rather minor. I’ve been blessed to have met someone who’s willing to put up with me. Most of the time. And, to think: I have the U.S. Postal Service to thank for meeting her. I guess that something “good” came out of working for them, after all. Who knew?!

We spent the day being lazy, for the most part. And that worked out well for both of us. Apparently, the fifth anniversary is “the videogame anniversary.” I got a copy of X-Men: Legends, Jess got Sonic 3 for her GBA. We were both happy.

We went out to dinner with Jen, Monica, Brian and Bill. It was nice, as we don’t see Monica and Brian that often. They seemed surprised that we were willing to go out with other people on our anniversary. We reminded them that we had spent the day together and that spending time with friends is always a good thing.

After dinner, we headed up to see and . The four of us went to see White Noise… but could not find parking at the theatre… so we decided to try another cineplex. We wound up at The Ritz/Hollywood Connection. With lots of time on our hands before the next showing. We spent an hour or so playing video games; it was fun. In something reminiscent of the old movies where a couple would go to a carnival, play games and win prizes, won a mini football for me. A mini-Ravens football. I will have to find a place for it next to my signed football. Then, we were off to the movie. It was a decent movie, but the ending was a bit anti-climactic.

Back to Nyx and Nox’ place, to get the car and then we were off to breakfast. Nyx, Nox, and met us there. Alisa, Bill and Brent showed up shortly thereafter. Breakfast, the company and the conversations were good. It was a good way to round out the evening.

All-in-all, this has been a good day.
Five years.
No, make that “A wonderful five years.”
Yeah. That’s a much better way of putting it.

And, I’m looking forward to seeing what the next five have in store.
